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Lukasz Krzywon
Feb 16, 202211 min read
Gaming at a philosophical playground
Computer games are both a huge industry and a cultural phenomenon. but how to reflect on computer games and find meaning in playing them?
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Lukasz Krzywon
Apr 19, 20217 min read
Storytime! Teaching about climate through environmental storybooks
Humans are storytellers and storylisteners by nature. Storytelling is something unique to our species and is an ultimate educational tool.
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Lukasz Krzywon
Feb 15, 202111 min read
Reclaiming playfulness in Irish towns and cities
By 'removing' parents it allowed children free-range play without the interruption of how an adult perceives how their child should play.
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Lukasz Krzywon
Jan 9, 20216 min read
Screen time
This is similar to what happens when the children (and adults) who spend too much on devices, being overstimulated by the information flow.
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